Ulric_Cross_highest ranking and most decorated black man in RAF during WW2

Easter Holidays Special: Black S/Heroes of World War 2; Talk and Films

Thursday 15th April 11.00am-2.00pm

Venue: On confirmation of registration

Area: SE1, ten minutes from tube 

Adm: By prior registration. 70 seats available, £2.00 donation per person

Proceeds to Girl Child Concern, Kaduna State, Nigeria


This event has been specially designed for those looking for someting culturally positive to do with their children during half term. It is aimed squarely at, conscientious adults who take their child's education seriously, and curious children looking for inspiring influences.World War 2 is on the curriculum at both primary and secondary level but  there is hardly a mention of any African/Caribbean involvement. Africa, the Caribbean and its people were crucial to winning the war and this interactive presentation shows Trinidadian Spitfire and Barbadian bomber pilots, Nigerian troops fighting in Burma. Somali ships and sailors, black and asian women secret agents, German submarines in the Caribbean and the importance of Africa and India’s raw materials all feature.  All the information you never got at school plus resources to find out more www.blackhistorywalks.co.uk

Youth groups and Saturday schools welcome. To register or for more info contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.