
Black British Civil Rights Heroes, 1596 to 2006

Thursday  29 September  6.30pm-9.00pm

The Blue Room, BFI Southbank,
Belvedere Road SE1.
Entry: Free First Come, First Served. 90 seats.

The bias in schools gives the impression that racism and civil rights was an American issue and totally ignores the struggles Black British people endured. Schools and colleges will spend two weeks studying Rosa Parks and US segregationin the1950's but know nothing of the ban on black people working in Oxford street and living in cetain houses  This interative presentation will provide the names and achievements of those black people born or resident here that fought against British racism over the last 400 years. Includes  Ottobah Cuguano, Robert Wedderburn, Olaudah Equiano, Phyllis Wheatley, Learie Constantine, Mavis Best, Dame Jocelyn Barrow, virginity testing for immigration puroses, deaths in custody, Saturday schools and much more. We will use the BFI Mediateque film resources  to show extraordinary scenes of black society since 1906 www.blackhistorywalks.co.uk