Above: Revolutionary hard-core sister and Brixton Black Panther, Olive Morris http://rememberolivemorris.wordpress.com  

Sunday 26 April 1pm-4.30pm

Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road SE1.Tube: Lambeth North.

Free entry: First come,first served www.iwm.org.uk

The bias in schools gives the impression that racism and civil rights was an American issue and totally ignores the struggles Black British people endured. For example :

* Oxford/Regent Street refused to employ black people Black and Asian kids were bussed out of local schools so that there would not be "too many" of them
* Racial attacks were a daily occurence and ignored by police
* Black people had to pay more for houses and more for mortgages
* There were documented calls for black schools in the 1700's
* In the 1790's a group of Africans in London were lobbying the government for abolition
* In 1820 a Jamaican in London bought guns in order to overthrow the government

Every area of life was contested at great cost. This presentation will give you the names and achievements of those who fought against British racism over the last 400 years. Please bring pen and pad.