
Black Victims of the Germans 1904 to World War 2

Saturday 5th December 1pm-4.30pm

Imperial War Museum Lambeth Road SE1

Tube: Lambeth North.

Adm: Free. First come, first served

Bring pen and pad and be on time

What we know today as the Holocaust was researched, rehearsed and refined in Africa with African people long before 1939. Although it is hardly mentioned, German people in their colony of Namibia stole land from African  people and when they fought back built railroads,  labour camps and medical experiment labs in Namibia in order  to work them to death or experiment on their bodies to see how they were able to cope with heat. This happened in 1906 and the German government even apologised in 2004. This underviewed documentary states the case with detailed testimony from Namibian and German people and evidence from German secret files.

The fact is that there were also black people in Germany before, during and after WW2 . Some even joined the army, some were entertainers, hundreds were sterilised and a vast number were sent to the gas chambers.