Saturday 1 November 2.00-6.00pm

Naij plus Q & A with Jide Olanrewaju

Conference Centre, British Library,Tube : Kings Cross

Free entry: first come,first served

Corruption, Mismanagement, Fraud, War are the stereotypical views of Nigeria and indeed Africa as a whole.This block-busting film explodes the mis-education and stereotypes and puts the country we now call Nigeria into context. This is the best film

on African history and politics you will see this year. If you've ever asked yourself "why is Africa the way it is?" the answers are here. Trailer at

Topics covered...

* How the British fixed theĀ  elections
* "Nigeria" does not exist
* How Europeans encouraged civil war
* The Role and Rise of the Army
* The City of London = Corruption Head Office
* Creating poverty as a means of control