Above: Elite Nigerian 81st Division known as the Black Tarantulas as painted in Burma by Captain Hugh Micklem
Monday 29th September 6pm-8.30pm
West Indian Ex Services Commission, 161-167 Clapham Manor Road SW4
Tube: Clapham North.Free entry: first come, first served
A detailed and extensive look at the African and Caribbean war effort with video clips and interviews with Trinidadian Spitfire and Barbadian bomber pilots. Photos of Nigerian troops fighting in Burma. Somali ships and sailors, black and asian women secret agents, German submarines in the Caribbean and the importance of Africa and India’s raw materials all feature. All the information you never got at school and that is still not taught to this day will be revealed. WW2 Veterans will also be present. Part of Lambeth Peace Month
To view sample
Sunday 28th September 12.30pm-5.00pm
Conference Room, Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road SE1Tube: Lambeth North.
Free entry: First come,first served Please bring a donation
This event is always ram-off to see why click
In association with Inspired Black Women we present three films and workshops on the history and legacy of the beauty of black women. Films include:
Sisters on the Light/Dark Thing (beauty)
Black, Bold and Beautiful (hair)
Yellow Babes (skin)
We will also have reports on the experiences of Black British women in Senegal, Somalia and Norway and men will be asked as to what they find attractive in women.
Above: men from the 332nd fighter group based in Ramitelli Italy. They were such expert pilots they never lost a plane in combat
Saturday 27th September 1pm-4.30pm
Conference Room, Imperial War Museum, Lambeth Road SE1,Tube: Lambeth North.
Free entry: First come,first served.Please bring a donation www.iwm.org.uk
An investigation of loyalty within the British Empire
and what it means to fight for "your" country. Special guests include World War 2 veterans from the Caribbean plus extremely rare footage of black fighter and bomber pilots and other pioneers inlcudes:
* Sqn Ldr Ulric Cross highest ranking and most decorated black officer in the RAF
* Connie Marks founder of We Were There and chair of Mary Seacole campaign
* Billy Strachan Bomber pilot and civil rights activist
* Irwin Everlsy who fought in Falklands war but was then denied a british passport
Above: 1983,Colin Roach was in Stoke Newington police station when he was shot in the head with a shotgun. Police stated it was suicide. The family organised mass demonstrations and community action.
Friday 26th September 7.15pm-10.30pm
Family Health Isis Clinic. Admission £5.00 (next to main Post Office, opp Catford Theatre)
183-185 Rushey Green, Catford SE6.
African-British Civil Rights Heroes 1596-2006
a powerful interactive tour-de-force from Brother Tony
The bias in schools gives the impression that racism and civil rights was an American issue and totally ignores the struggles African- British people endured. This presentation will give you the numerous names and achievements of those black people born here who fought against British racism over the last 400 years and made your life easier.
One highlight will be the unveiling of the amazing black history hidden in the streets, building and monuments History that’s 'in your face' in places like Westminster, St Pauls, National Gallery, New Cross, Bank, Leicester Square etc., but remains largely unknown due to false education and brainwashing.Bring pen and pad. Juice and biscuits provided. This is an intimate venue, be on time to get a seat www.nubeyond.com
Above: Female Cuban soldiers were crucial in the battle against Apartheid in Angola
Saturday 20 September 2.00pm-4.30pm
BFI Southbank (near Royal Festival Hall) Belvedere Road SE1
Tube: Waterloo.Admission £5.00 Box office 0207 928 3232 website: www.bfi.org.uk
The full story of Cuba’s direct and continuing influence on the history of the world is not widely known . In Africa Cuban direct action has been more crucial than anywhere else.
How many people know that Che Guevara, had crossed Lake Tanganyika in a boat with an armed escort, initiating a Cuban military presence that lasted more than 26 years, and which was undoubtedly crucial to the liberation of at least half a dozen countries, especially South Africa.
At the same time, the extraordinary initiative of the Cuban doctors was developed and expanded until it has become a rational, comprehensive and full frontal world-historical attack on preventable disease and the diseases of poverty. This is a one off chance to see a rare and exciting film about how the ‘Third World’ freed itself from colonialism